Affiliates Program

Would you like to collaborate with MANTRARAJ?

Mantraraj Affiliates Program

collaborate with MANTRARAJ and start earning.

How about it?
Want to be a MANTRARAJ influencer?

Then send us an email to the address below indicating what type of collaboration you would like to make. Be sure to give us your social media profiles with all the data that you think may be important to us. If everything goes well, we will be happy to work with you. See you soon!

Social Ambassadors

If you’re open to promoting MANTRARAJ through your social channels (specifically Instagram,Facebook TikTok, or YouTube), we offer a commission on all net sales, as well as the potential to get your hands on some free products.

Media & Other

If you’ll be promoting through other online mediums such as a publication, email newsletter, podcast, personal blog, or pretty much anything else outside the world of likes and retweets, we offer a commission on all net sales.

Lucky Draws

In this form of collaboration, we will give you a piece of MANTRARAJ Products so you can hold a product giveaway among your followers. In this case, it’s necessary to have a minimum number of followers on Instagram and Facebook. Get in touch with us and we will discuss how we can make this happen.

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